Paper Tiger® features patented scoring wheels that perforate and dissolve the adhesive. Together with DIF® wallpaper solution there is no need for steamers.
Score wallpaper with the Paper Tiger® Triple Head in a circular motion using light pressure.
Where the wallcovering is paper-backed vinyl, strip the vinyl layer by catching a corner and pulling down. Score the backing paper with the Paper Tiger® Triple Head in a circular motion using light pressure.
Add 650ml of Zinsser DIF® Concentrate to 8 litres of warm water. The unique enzyme is activated by the warm water and the solution is ready to use.
Apply the DIF® solution to the scored wallpaper in accordance with the manufacture’s instructions. Allow to soak in for 15 minutes, re-wet if necessary then remove the wallpaper with the Wallpaper Scraper. Wash down the wall with DIF® to remove excessive wallpaper adhesive.
Prime the areas to be decorated with one full coat of Gardz® Sealer. Gardz® is designed to lock in any wallpaper adhesive residue and give a perfect base for further decoration.